One Gals Journey to Living a Normal Life

As you all know, I have a chronic illness. I got significant news a month ago; they came out with a new medication I hadn’t tried. Yay! My doctors, Diana O’Connor, and Rachel Moore out of Oklahoma City, gave me a sample but said they didn’t have many so this would be the only ones they could give me. The migraine shot, Emgality, came with a discount card where you could get it free for twelve months. I sounded the alarms!

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on

Fast forward to a month from the time I took it…

My insurance won’t pay it, and they are now saying I’m not on the insurance. Hint, I am. I called them and they gave me a load of crap. I called the doc, and she said she would try to fix it. It never was. The coupon card Emgality gave me won’t pay for the prescription unless I have insurance, and they refuse to pay for it first. I don’t understand why unless Emgality is using this to seek information on insurance companies and their users. Who knows?

Here I need this prescription and I must pay full price IN THE MIDDLE OF A COVID-19 PANDEMIC. The cost of this medication is $700. That is more than most people make in a week, and I don’t have long to produce the money. I’m afraid if I don’t, I will become sick again.

I’m not asking for charity, but I created a plan to get the money. I began listing everything in our home on Mercari. I started sharing and listing more on Poshmark. I am trying to fix my video camera issues so I can post videos on Youtube again. I even did something I wasn’t able to do before I started taking this medication; I started shopping for Shipt and will begin shopping for Instacart once I get another shopping card (I lost mine).

If you want to help, here is what you can do, and it won’t cost you a dime…

  1. Sign up for these accounts. Most give you cool perks for signing up.
    1. Mercari
    2. Poshmark
    3. Shipt : Use code D4E7F3
    4. Instacart : Use code RFlORENCE18129
    5. Postmates : Use code Fl-6uhw
  2. Shop my closets at these spots. I offer free shipping at Mercari and 30% off when you bundle at Poshmark. If you are using an app, look me up @flosposhcloset .
    1. Mercari
    2. Poshmark
  3. Follow me on Social Media Sites click here for my Social Media Accounts.
  4. Share my closets, my Facebook accounts and Instagram pages, this website and/or pages
  5. Visit as much as possible. I make a little from ads or sales of products.

I appreciate everything everyone has done for me and I know times are rough right now, but some of these things don’t cost you a thing, or they allow you to do something you were already doing, like shopping and sharing stuff.

I will make another post about the amount I’ve made and how much I still need. This will be a constant thing I do since I must get this amount monthly.

Thank you to all who have offered to help so far and to my future helpers. I appreciate it and so does this worn out body of mine.

1 thought on “One Gals Journey to Living a Normal Life”

  1. Pingback: Independent Author Update on Getting Book Reviews – R.D. Hayes

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